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Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. ~Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities
Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. ~Jean Paul Richter
Also, GreenHorn's idea is something that I thought should have been there by default. As it stands, the 'profile' page is pretty shallow. ~Chili Davis
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane
They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body. ~Author Unknown
No, I entirely understand your position, having been a forum moderator in the past myself. As such, I am 'not' advocating for the removal of that lock, simply an increase in its limit. ~Sam Ewing

One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. ~Truman Capote
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth
Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. ~Author Unknown

I am planning to hike the trail from Clinton & ending in St. Charles this March. I am a ultra runner from Colorado but I used to live in Alton Illinois and this trail has always interest me. My plan is to hike/run the trail in 5 days or less. Can ... ~Branch Rickey
For example I was thinking on setting up a resizer & cropper for making it fit your desktop resolution in a better way. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. ~Ogden Nash
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor
I would like to take the same trip in early October,alone. If you have any info or suggestions I would appreciate them ~Author Unknown
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
I do think that rargy has a good idea with that variation of the limit. ~Jerry M. Wright

Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. ~Bob Hope
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
We advance in years somewhat in the manner of an invading army in a barren land; the age that we have reached, as the saying goes, we but hold with an outpost, and still keep open communications with the extreme rear and first beginnings of the march. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Virginibus Puerisque II," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881
Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. ~Red Buttons
I called and spoke to the AMTRAK reservation/information line and when I asked about traveling with a toddler trailer, they had never been asked such a question. They said I could take the item boxed as long as the dimensions of the box did not exceed 22"x28"x14" and did not weigh more than 50 lbs. ~Don Marquis
Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life. ~Herbert Asquith
it's the worst site ever... and it loads very very very damm slow Yotoon don't take any part of that site. ~Johann Schiller
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